Denne hovedbremsesylinderen kan brukes til å erstatte den gamle 2-krets pumpa fra 70-tallet som nå ikke lenger er å få tak i. Pumpa har 12 og 10mm nipler på utgangen. Beregnet kun for front/bak splitt av bremsesystemet.
Info fra leverandøren: "Genuine AP Lockheed boxed and made in UK. FRONT TO REAR master is the latest model dual master cylinders, which was introduced in 1985 with a stepped bore of 17.8 to 19mm to replace any previous master cylinders from September 1978 to 1988 when the built in servo type master cylinder was introduced. One of the notable features is the failure switch on the reservoir cap with a yellow identification tab. This replaces all the front to rear square type reservoir cylinders GMC173/198 and the GMC192/195. It should also be noted that this master cylinder has 2 different size metric unions, Top one is 10mm and the bottom one 12mm for the larger stepped bore size to the rear brakes."
Hovedbremsesylinder, 1980-89
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